Zodiac A to Z

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13
(MP3 format. Files average 5 MB in size.)

1 - ZODIAC: A to Z - Introduction
2 - TOM VOIGT - founder of Zodiackiller.com
3 - San Francisco screening of HUNTING The ZODIAC documentary
4 - Chat Q&A: Cheri Jo Bates / Kathleen Johns / Myth: Lack of Police Cooperation Hindered Investigation
5 - NOW IT CAN BE TOLD: Who Killed Darlene Ferrin?
6 - Myths: Darlene, the "Painting Party" and the Phantom Stranger
7 - Shoutout to Vallejo Dave / More Chat Q&A: 1990 Eureka Card / more
8 - Avery Halloween Card / More Chat Q&A
9 - Final Questions: Arthur Leigh Allen and Richard Marshall
11- SCOTT BULLOCK on Zodiac Movies: THE ZODIAC (2003)
12- The ZODIAC KILLER (2004)
13- The ZODIAC KILLER (1971) / Closing

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